MR Datasheets Viewer


This is a project based on the visualization of specific industrial data (in this case, solar panels) which you are able to see different kind of documentation, images about your producs, parts of a machinery, etc. and interact with them.

You can resize and fit this to your liking. Being thus a convenient application to work with. In addition, you can download new data from your own database, making this application very useful for industry.

This is an application made in Unity using MRTK tools for XR to the Microsoft Hololens.


  • Create the entire project since the beggining. Modifying the MRTK arquitecture, UI, Programming, etc.
  • Design a struct for data management, differentiating images and pdfs datasheets and handle them using vectors.
  • Create, design and perform a new way for building and uploading of the app into the hololens 2 without direct connection needing for its distribution.